Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions
1. How do I start the auto body repair process?
You should call your insurance company and inquire about turning in a claim.
Will it affect your rates? If the incident falls under Comprehensive or Collision? What deductible will you have to pay if any at all? If your deductible is going to be waived, how long does that take? Will they have to look at your vehicle? How is payment going to be issued?
Stop by for a free estimate so that you know what the repairs will cost, it may not be worth turning in a claim to your insurance company.
Schedule an appointment for the repairs. If you have filed a claim with the insurance company, make sure they have approved the estimate for the repairs. When repairs are complete you will pay your deductible to the shop at that time, if it applies.
2. Why do I need an estimate in order to schedule an appointment for collision repair?
It is important to have an estimate so that we know if any parts need to be ordered ahead of time, to figure out how much time to allow for the appointment, and to make sure the work being done is approved by the customer and/or the insurance company.
3. Why is my estimate more or less than an insurance or another body shop's estimate?
There are many reasons, contractual guidelines with insurance companies, replacing parts vs. repairing parts, using different types of parts i.e. OEM vs. aftermarket, or just doing the job differently. Unique Body Shop will take the time to discuss the quality of work you are looking for and make sure your needs are met. We would be happy to compare estimates for you as well.
4. Do I have to get more than one estimate?
No. You have the right to go to the repair facility of your choice. If you have an insurance claim, it is up to the insurance company and the shop to come up with an agreed price for the repair.
5. Do you warranty your auto body repair work?
Yes. Unique Body Shop has always had a standard Limited Lifetime Warranty, no matter who is paying the bill. However, corrosion repairs are not covered.